Read this story -
Does this not make you sick? This is just one of many stories breaking out. Israel has blocked all journalists and aid going into Palestine so that they can continue their slaughter without the world becoming aware of the situation.
Israel claims it is attacking Palestine to defend itself? This is a joke! Israel defend itself? Does this sound like defense? Palestine doesn't even have an army, navy, or air force ---they have nothing but people throwing sticks and stones trying to defend themselves. Palestine is impoverished and a third world country compared to Israel. Israel has one of the most advanced military operations in the world. Can they not just kill
Hamas if they wanted to? Does their great technology not allow this? Do they need to send in tanks, military planes, and a ground invasion against a country that doesn't even have a military? Do they need to attack UN schools where where Palestinian civilians are hiding (
read more here)? Former US President, Jimmy Carter. states in his book that "Israel's 'apartheid' policies are worse than South Africa's" (
read more here). Israel has always suppressed Palestine and has always wanted to attack Palestine. Palestine is a small impoverished country cut off by Israel from the rest of the world.

Does this in any way sound like defense? ---NO! it's an invasion and complete genocide. Look at the pictures and facts that Israel is trying to hide! Israel is making up stories of
Hamas in excuse to attack (history is prone to this tactic) ---look at the numbers ---around 5 Israelis killed compared to 1000's of
Palestinians (probably much more) ---1/3 of all whom are children. CNN also had a story earlier with facts that Israel had actually broken the truce and attacked Palestine (
see here).
And why do you think Israel attacks just as Bush is leaving office? ---cause they know Obama may not be a lame duck and just sit back and watch like Bush does. Bush is totally incompetent - just look at the US economy, the handling of Katrina, the Iraq war, and now this! Israel is getting all their killing out of the way while Bush (
The worst president in history according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid) is still in office.

I hope people can stop getting all their news from their freaking TV which is all controlled by 3 or 4 companies. I sincerely hope for the sake and dignity of mankind that Israel is put on trial for war crimes . The world is starting to see what Israel really is ---they make me sick to my stomach! I am just amazed that the world is standing by and watching this genocide occur.
I am an American living in the US and encourage other Americans to seek the truth like I did. The US provides more than $5 billion dollars a year in aid to Israel. Is this what you want your tax money going to! Look at the pictures! The
Internet is littered with the pictures that have been able to get past Israel blockade/censorship. It is up to us - the American people to step up and find the truth - otherwise what do we represent? We have many Israeli's in power and hijacking the US government - why do you think the US has been a lame duck and are letting Israel get away with this murder. Israel is taking control of America to help it with its evil agenda - just read the book "
The Power of Israel in the United States". Israel has a strong grip in our government. Many of the politicians are Jews.

The former Prime Minister of Israel even stated that "Israel
controlls America" (
see here). The
truth is all in front of you - if you don't believe me, do the research yourself. Jews control much of America, especially the news - which is why the news is so one sided towards Israel. Why would a puny group like
Hamas want to challenge a
military powerhouse like Israel? Is this even logical? Are they that stupid? Yet what do you see on TV? If Hamas and Israel fought, it would be over in less than 30 minutes. Rupert Murdoch, who is Jewish, alone owns the FOX news network, the NY Times, the
Wallstreet Journal, and many other news outlets almost equal to 25% of the news Americans see and hear.
Please protest against the genocide Israel is
committing and fight to get our country back so the US can once again represent the freedom, rights, and honesty it was once known for!
- In all sadness, CoderGuy89